What Does a Trichologist Do?

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What you wrote in September (newest)

We will perform a test know as "Hair Analysis", were we will gently remove 10 individual hairs, including the hair bulb, and initiate a Morphological/ Trichological hair analysis under a high resolution  microscope. We go to the root of the problem were the cellular mitosis is formed.

This procedure is non-invasive, accurate and 100% safe.


We create a Trichogram report in a Trichogram form and upon of the findings of the "Hair Analysis", our trichologists we may recommend treatments to reverse any cause of Alopecia. such as Hair detoxification, Scalp exfoliation, stress therapy, (Electro Therapy), low light laser therapy ,application of topical formulations to the hair and scalp and also nutritional changes. Life style, nutrition and environmental issues are also covered by our Hair Analysis and, they are part of the whole recommendations.


In the event we find the Androgenetic cause of hair loss –heritage hair loss- we can try to postpone the prematurely hair loss of these particular Alopecia - which is caused by genetic heritage- with specific treatments for these condition. Hair already affected with these kind o alopecia will fall out before to complete their normal hair cycle, but taking the right measurements at the right moment might give the bulbs affected a longer life and allowing the hair bulb hair will be kept as close long as possible before to complete they were completing it’s the normal hair mutation cycle.



(This is too much about Miret, I will use some of this for the homepage or product page)


Miret Institute has the most experienced certified technicians who will perform a test know as "Hair Analysis", were we will gently remove 10 individual hairs, including the hair bulb, and initiate a Morphological/ Trichological hair analysis under a high resolution  microscope.

We create a report in a Trichogramform and upon of the findings of the "Hair Analysis", our tricologists may recommend treatments such as Hair detoxification, Scalp exfoliation, stress therapy, (Electro Therapy), low light laser therapy ,application of topical formulations to the hair and scalp and also nutritional changes.

In the event we find the Androgenetic cause of hair loss we can try to postpone the prematurely hair loss of  these particular  Alopecia - which is caused by genetic heritage- with specific treatments for these condition. Hair already affected with these kind o alopecia will fall out before to complete their normal cycle , but taking the right measurements at the right moment might give the bulbs affected a longer life and hair will be kept as close as possible to complete the normal hair mutation.




Trichologists are able to advise on, diagnose and treat a wide range of hair
loss, hair conditions and scalp problems such as traction alopecia,alopecia
areata, alopecia totalis & universalis, diffuse hair loss, male and female
pattern baldness, seborrheic dermatitis(s a common condition that makes the
skin look greasy, scaly and flaky), scalp eczema & psoriasis, seborrhoea(a
distinct incrustation), scalp itching, hair breakage & damage.
Hair is a very sensitive 'barometer' to imbalances in the body - factors
such as poor nutrition, medical or genetic problems, medication and stress
can adversely affect their hair and scalp.
As used today alopecia refers to hair loss from any cause.
Significant alopecia poses cosmetic disturbanceat the very least to the
The posibility of deterrring loss or causing regrowth by chemical means has
made it clear just how desperate many men and woman are, both young and old
, to retain or regaintheir natural scalp hair.
The correct diagnosis and treatment of the many forms of alopecia, wich
often have significance beyond cosmetics concerns, frequentlyconfront the
A better understanding of the causes and progression of alopecia is helpful
for physician and patient alike.