Hair Replacement
Hair extensions can transform a short corporate style into an extroverted wild look in the manner of hours.
Our Trichological Hair Analysis can help help you to prevent, slow down, or reverse hair loss and hair damage. However, some cases are beyond our help to cure, especially if the hair issue has gone untreated for an extended amount of time (which is why we always recommend to perform an exam as soon as issues are detected). For these clients we can offer hair replacement as a solution.
Hair Replacement comes in many options to fit various needs and budgets. Hair Replacement is an excellent alternative to add volume, color and length or to cover bald spots instantly. Hair Replacement solutions can be used as permanent attachments or for removed daily, depending on the wearers personal preference. With so many options available, you are sure to find a solution that best fits your needs
They also are an excellent alternative to add length, with multiple options of hair color combinations available. Modern Extensions are designed to remain attached to your natural hair for months at a time. For those who want the best, the Natural human hair has always provided the best texture and feel.